d. All of the above. More often aspired to nontraditional occupations. b. Cling to outdated traditions. b. Worldview can be defined broadly as:a. The client is passive, repressed, or inhibited.c. EC-ER. None of the above. White middle-class values.b. March came in like a lion under the Gold Dome on Wednesday. And sometimes, seemingly "small" things that are outside of the core work of counseling can make a big difference to a client. Which of the following is NOT a principle of social justice counseling? Cultural competence.d. Microaggressions are often subtle and can be manifested in the following realmsEXCEPT:a. Verbal.b. While minority groups may discriminate, they do not have the systemic power tooppress on a large-scale basis. Integrative Awareness Stage.b. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: Feel uncomfortable Your client Michael, from a lower socioeconomic background may have a low regard for punctuality because: c. Integrative Awareness Stage. While a Black American therapist may value sitting close to an Asian Americanclient in therapy, this client may feel the close conversing distance to be anintrusion of personal space. c. Offered herself as the chief instrument of cure. There is limited tension and stereotyping between groups of color in the UnitedStates. When the counselor and Latino/a client do not speak the same language, it isconsidered good practice to use the client's child as an interpreter. Strong therapeutic alliance.d. Which stage is characterized by a disdain for the dominant culture and development of pride in one's own culture: a. Integrative Awareness Stage. a. a. Situation-centered. A Chinese American client may prefer to discuss personal and private mattersindirectly. Which of thefollowing descriptions was NOT a part of the model:a. Traditionalist.b. b. IC-ER person. In the opening vignette involving the Japanese American woman, the term racial awakening is related to: a. There is only one racethe human race.d. Situation-centered.b. ambiguity meaning: 1. d. Both b and c. e. None of the above. People are more likely to deny racism or sexism than transphobia. in disney cream cheese pretzel recipe. Superiority to placebo in two or more controlled studies. The accuracy of nonverbal communication may vary according to the part of the body involved. She is in the Microsoft Cloud for Industry Global Expansion Team (MCIGET) Industry Customer & Partner Engineering (ICPE) team. Unavoidable and inevitabl, Which of the following represents a microinvalidation:a. d. Believe their ethnicity represents a handicap in Western society. Culturally adapted ESTs have been successfully used with Asian Americans experiencing phobias. fast and furious eclipse purple . d. Potential changes are viewed as positive by the client. Strongly correlated with race, culture, and ethnicity. c. EC-IR. "Minority standard time" refers to the poor people's tendency to disregard punctuality due to a conflict with their past-focused time orientation.v. The author asserts that it is important to understand indigenous healing practicesin order to:a. ______________ involves the therapist's emotional reaction to the client based on the therapist's own set of attitudes, beliefs, values, or experiences. 2 They may feel isolated or disempowered by the heightened, unbalanced power dynamics created by systematic marginalization. Empirically supported treatments must demonstrate:a. The word comes from a Latin term which means, "wandering about" and the adjective form of the word is ambiguous.Other terms used for ambiguity are amphibologia, amphibolia, and semantic ambiguity.In addition, ambiguity is sometimes regarded as a fallacy (commonly known as equivocation . A and B. EC-IR.d. d. Verbal expressions are more accurate reflections of what a White person is thinking than what they don't say. The universal level is consistent with social sci. He is a board member for the American . VIEWS. b. IC-ER. d. One's values as shaped solely by religion. d. A world where spirits reside and impact people in the physical world. Introspection S. Which stage has the most profound negative impact on nearly all people of color?a. d. People's ability to control their level of self-esteem. Although theories of counseling differ, they represent similar communicationpatterns.b. : a. Conformity Stage. b. Blatant and harmful treatment of women [overt sexism] that is conscious and deliberate. Among Asians, smiling may represent embarrassment, apprehension, or anxiety. b. Universal. d. EC-ER person. b. The authors of The Bell Curve (Herrntein & Murray, 1994) contend that programs such as Head Start and Affirmative Action are helpful in eliminating deficits in education. Encountering a person of color who believes in the inferiority of other peopleof color.c. Feelings of having been brainwashed by the forces of White society would most likely be found in the: a. Conformity Stage. Which of the following has been described as the most dominant affective expression emphasized by collectivism: a. Self-worth.d. EC-IR.d. Integrative Awareness Stage.d. Larry Summers' comment that test score differences between men and women were most likely due to "innate abilities" reflects: a. b. Respectful of personal space. Many ethnic minorities do not distinguish between mental and physical functioning, and as a result may expect therapists to provide immediate solutions as a minister or medical doctor would. In order to be a culturally competent therapist, one should try to avoid theirpersonal feelings and previous experiences with race, culture, and gender. d. All of the above. Most graduate programs continue to give inadequate treatment to the mental health issues of ethnic minorities. The individual level of identity is the most important level to consider whenworking with a client. Good counseling practice is good counseling practice regardless of clients' race or ethnicity. Which of the following is NOT an important aspect of the therapeutic alliance: a. Culturally adapted ESTs have been successfully used with Asian Americansexperiencing phobias. Sexism.c. CHicago: The . b. What is problematic about the notions that stressing differences is potentially divisive? As a useful assessment and diagnostic tool.c. b. Disrespectful and unintelligent. Organizations are likely to be reflections of the monocultural values and practices of the larger culture. Social justice is about: a. d. None of the above. Drs. c. They have not been in contact with many Whites in the past. In general, greater space is accorded to those of greater prestige and status.b. a. Resistant and disrespectful, Insight is considered class-bound because:a. d. Low-context communication is considered to be faster, more economical, and more satisfying. The vision quest is used by some American Indians as a religious renewal or rite of passage. A situation-centered therapist working with an African American client is likely to consider the client's personality over and above racism as a reason for the client's termination from work. Counselor-centered.d. IC-ER.c. c. Listen to hip-hop music. c. An example of merging evidence-based practice and multicultural counseling. I'm a visual storyteller, content creator, entrepreneur, and mom. Recent studies find positive associations between spirituality/religion and optimalhealth outcomes, including lower levels of anxiety and depression. b. IC-ER. d. All of the above. Conformity Stage.c. a. Integrative Awareness Stage. Before proceeding to committee meetings, the House put in a full day on the floor, passing 19 measures including a host of education bills. Resistance and Immersion Stage. b. Mahiki.d. Which of the following statements is inaccurate regarding proxemics: a. Extended, everyday exc, Microaggressions can:a. The individual level of identity is the most important level to consider when working with a client. Limiting use of self-disclosure when working with an Asian American client is an example of multicultural counseling competence. Studies suggest that which two pathologies are most frequently found with refugees from Southeast Asia: a. Schizophrenia and Dependent Personality Disorder b. PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder c. PTSD and Major Affective Disorder d. Schizophrenia and PTSD. The myth of the "model minority" has often played into major misunderstandingsbetween Black and Asian communities. The professor in Chapter 2 seems uncomfortable with the topic of race asevidenced by:a. Shame is an emotion felt at the group level, whereas guilt is an individualemotion. Feel empowered as he/she can take the lead in session. c. Knowledge. 2. d. An individualistic counseling approach is the most effective form of meeting the needs of people of color. Explain cap-and-trade and the Kyoto Protocol. Ambiguity (pronounced am-big-YOU-it-tee) is the presence of two or more possible meanings in a single passage. Limiting use of self-disclosure when working with an Asian American client is anexample of multicultural counseling competence. d. Ethnic minorities have learned to ignore nonverbal cues and focus primarily on the verbal response of individuals. Includes a vision of society in which distribution of resources is equitable andall members are safe and secure.c. a. IC-IR. b. Introspection Stage.b. A sign of maturity is being culturally competent. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority . How an individual understands his or her race. The "illness myth" refers to the tendency for Latino/as to over-exaggerate theirsymptoms. Which quadrant is associated with "I'm okay and have control over myself" and"Society is okay, and I can make it in this system"?a. d. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to reconnect an individual with family or significant others. The need to consider specific cultural group worldviews associated with race,gender, sexual orientation, and so on.b. Nearly every disability advocacy group said that the Department's two-tiered approach strikes the proper balance between ensuring access for individuals with disabilities and addressing fundamental alteration and safety concerns held by public entities; however, a minority of disability advocacy groups wanted other power-driven mobility devices . Which of the following is NOT a relevant question for counselors to ask: a. . All of the above. The goal is to have the person recognize and be grateful for what we receivefrom others.c. Offered herself as the chief instrument of cure.d. Incorporating cultural values in the specific treatment strategies. The conflict over acculturation and assimilation.b. Seeks universal "facts" in understanding human behavior.b. In order to become culturally competent, it is equally important to read about diverse groups as it is to increase your contact with diverse groups. With regard to time orientation, Asian Americans are most like White Americans in their concern for the future. The term thuoc nam spoken by Mrs. Nguyen to the counselor signified:a. When the counselor and Latino/a client do not speak the same language, it is considered good practice to use the client's child as an interpreter. "Fronting" is a Black concept made to denote a person. c. EC-IR. d. All of the above. Western philosophies. The role of counselor should be broadened to include teaching, consulting, and advocacy. c. Many Black Americans make infrequent eye contact when speaking. Difficulties in the ___________ _____________ may be a factor in theunderutilization of mental health services and early termination of therapy seenwith minority clients. Behaviors such as asking clients how they would like to be addressed, showing that their comments and insights are valuable, and tailoring your interaction according to their needs are ways of communicating ___________. d. Other manifestations of bigotry and discrimination. b. Staying the same.d. d. None of the above. b. Collectivistic cultural values. It presumes that insight is relevant.c. Counselors have an opportunity to build trust with a client with every interaction. He was afraid that telling the school of the abuse would cause his family to be deported. d. Exhibited less innovative social action behavior. c. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to improve the life of only one family member. It is ve. May 2021 - Present1 year 11 months. In regard to the meaning of facial expressions: a. b. b. c. So-called psychological problems of minority groups may reside not within, but outside of our clients. A friendly encounter with a White person. Scientific Empiricism. Effective management of countertransference.c. Victim blaming.d. Potential chang, Incorporating tribal practices and rituals into an aspect of a Cognitive-BehaviorTherapy (CBT) treatment for an American Indian represents:a. Although there is optimism about the convergence of multicultural psychologyand evidence-based practices, there is still resistance to ________ _________among some individuals in the field. When counselors explore their own emotional reactions to race and culture, feelings such as defensiveness and anger can be destructive and are better left untouched. Locate the source of the problem within the studentb. The full understanding of institutionalized racism. b. Ethnocentric Monoculturalism. 8. minority clients: (a) awareness of oneself as a racial/cul-tural being and of the biases, stereotypes, and assumptions that inuence worldviews and (b) awareness of the world-views of culturally diverse clients. The study of kinesics refers to perception and use of personal and interpersonal space. Seeks universal "facts" in understanding human behavior. d. Animated. Gender.d. A male coworker has pinups of nude women in his cubicle. People feel they have an honored place at the table.c. Because of cultural misunderstandings, a counselor that works with a person from a minority background might conclude that the client is___________ if he/she avoids eye contact: a. 2. : the smaller of two groups constituting a whole: as. The author asserts that more and more people of color are coming to hold which worldview? Organizations are likely to be reflections of the monocultural values and practices ofthe larger culture. b. Prevention is better than intervention.c. b. An example of merging evidence-based practice. They view Whites as agents of society who may use the information against them. Ignoring the thoughts of others.b. may act as the extended family?a. Understanding your emotional reactions.d. b. Which of the following culture-bound syndromes are attributed to "an excess loss of semen": a. Hmong Sudden Death Syndrome.d. Assumes that shared experiences aid in the for. In which stage does an individual experience conflict in terms of responsibility and allegiance to one's own group versus notions of personal independence and autonomy? INTRODUCED BY CUTLER, FEBRUARY 27, 2023 . c. Revealing their true self only to fellow Blacks. b. It is an African-based form of therapy.b. c. Very few minority groups are included in clinical trials. If a person believes in the concepts of democracy and fairness, they are incapable of discrimination. When greeting an Muslim client, it would be highly inappropriate to offer your left hand to shake.

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