^s4b~/$TlepxR %)WGQ\O([G/cJ3[*(TJ*e%+Z|3UU| \u=)UM";C 4s=Q`DY=jbISqt5|1H9 Crt{XeX(1E($8I5bN[.,[! In "Xmas" the second letter has been dropped.Jas = James All abbreviations are given with full stops, although, in most situations, these are omitted or included as a personal preference. Sometimes extended to comical length with, Often used to prefix the subject of traditional. the Holy Mass, the Divine Office (Breviary), the ecclesiastical devotions, etc. Latin Names. Finally, the FamilySearch website includes a list of Latin Genealogical Word List, providing a concise online source of the most frequently encountered Latin terms in genealogical documents. Also, in. To be certain, please check with an appraiser of antique jewelry as I suspect it may have a more specific meaning, such as the death of an infant. In particular, Lindsays bookon Latin contractions (Lindsay, W. M. 1908. The source for the above entry is: Randers amt, Djurs Snder, Lyngby, 1716-1791 FVD (EM) opslag (image) 167, Page 327, entry 16 right hand page. However, the Church record shows the date as 28 Decembris 1874 (see image and url below) which I assume would be December 28, 1874 since I can see records for all of the 12 . the priest could not be moved without his approval. For example Jacobum (accusative form of Jacobus) can mean Jacob or James, cross checking with census records will resolve this. Examine the syntax within the presented context. Proavus means great grandfather and proava means great grandmother. What is the cause of death Pytorie? Need help deciphering church record abbreviations. (. "Guilel" is an abbreviation of Gulielmus, Latin for William. How to Read Old German Church Records. for de facto (in reality) or de fide (article of faith.) Required fields are marked *. Abbreviations, ECCLESIASTICAL.The words most commonly abbreviated at all times are proper names, titles (official or customary), of persons or corporations, and words of frequent occurrence.A good list of those used in Roman Republican and early Imperial times may be seen in Egbert's "Latin Inscriptions" (New York, 1896), 417-459.The Jewish scribes and Talmudic scholars also had . It is not unusual to find, within the pages of one record, different variations used, but care should be taken to ensure that in these instances, it is a variation and not meant to indicate something else. This is SO helpful! The writing is hard to read, the records are not standardized, and, most importantly, it is in Latin. Could these be Latin abbreviations and, if so, what do they mean in context of the baptism protocol? Among other people, or among other legal entities. With all Latin terms, apply strategies to make sure you interpret a document correctly. The list of 9.3k Church acronyms and abbreviations (February 2023): 50 Categories. Used to indicate additions after a postscript. R&period;I&period;P&period; Requiescat In Pace. This late 16th-century example is of the words 'A declaracion': -rum. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 16:12. If not, lets look at a possibility. endobj Kimberly Powell is a professional genealogist and the author of The Everything Guide to Online Genealogy. I just want to say Thank You for taking the time to put this in the public domain to help other researchers, like myself who are unfamiliar with Latin texts. Used in editing to indicate that something should remain as it is, and not be changed. My gt grandparents' marriage, Rosscarbery, Co . This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:.mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}Herbermann, Charles, ed. Theres a record for the baptism, on 25 May 1708 in Penistone (Yorkshire, England), of Hannah, daughter of Abra Wood. B., Vicar Apostolic of this district was a dispensation from the impediment of the first (or second etc.) Here are some abbreviations you may find in genealogy records. Here is a list of frequently used abbreviationsto understand them better, acquaint yourself with some of the more common terms, such as decessit and obdormio, which mean died or fell asleep, legitima (legitimate), sine (without), matris and patris (mother and father), and prole (issue or offspring). Your phrase A me Misso Apco means By me, NN Apostolico Missionario. Please go to the beginning and end of the record set to see if abbreviations have been defined. Notice in this example, Mrs. Ann Parrott is referred to as the consort of Mr. James Parrott. Sancto Maria in oppido Wigan Jacobum Hall filium Georgii et Marie Hall de Staley Bridge et Annam Heaney filiam Nicolai et Judith Heaney de Wigan interrogavi, eorumque mutuo consensus habito, solemniter per verba de praesenti matrimonio conjunxi, praesentibus notis testibus Henrico Baron et Catherine Baron qui uterque habitat Wigan. In many countries throughout the world, Catholic parish records were written in Latin even into the 20th century. https://www.thoughtco.com/latin-genealogical-word-list-1422735 (accessed March 5, 2023). Using this guide, you can glean the most Unfamiliar handwriting and language can make German church records intimidating, but you can interpret them with practice and a few resources. Nearly all Roman Catholic church records used Latin to some extent. Extra! Genealogy Tip: If a Latin term ends in us, then it refers to a male; if it ends in an a, it generally refers to a female. For shorthand marks in Latin inscription and manuscripts, see, List of less common abbreviations and usages, Glossary of scientific naming Latin abbreviations, List of abbreviations used in medical prescriptions, "United States Government Printing Office Style Manual, Chapter 9: Abbreviations and Letter Symbols", "COMMONEST ABBREVIATIONS, SIGNS, ETC. Among the Romans, this was a traditional salutation at the beginning of a letter. and "e.g. Suggest. is used to indicate a detailed description of something stated before, and when it precedes a list of group members, it implies (near) completeness. Great post, Steve. When Christian names are written in Latin it is not always clear what the English equivalent is. The tabular format generally has columns with the headings in Latin with the information within the columns writtenin Latin, although the grammar does not always precisely follow the proper grammatical function indicated. Therefore January, February and most of March were the last months of the year. Habit and convenience are today the principal motives for using abbreviations. Another Latin abbreviation found in genealogy documents. Miss. Extra! Missus., it looks as though both words are abbreviations but it doesnt seem too important at this point. (abbreviation for geboren) born: geb.dat. If you search the Latin word list at Genproxy.co.uk, youll notice that Latin even has specific words to specify if someone was a 2nd great grandparent. 4 0 obj Most of these 1813 Catholic baptismal records include an abbreviation following the names of the parents, and before the names of godparents. S\m7n7lpX@;X/xU9zgb Kl%.BKEJro:pe^ x Im not familiar with Hungarian abbreviations, but these are Latin terms which would have been customary to use in a Catholic record. The abbreviations N. and Nblius seemed to me to be an abbreviation for Nobilis, meaning Noble, but the abbreviations G. and Gnosis had me stumped until I learned that these abbreviations stood for Generosis, again meaning Noble, albiet a Noble of higher status than one with only the title Nobilis. It is used to avoid repeating the name of a male author (in citations, footnotes, bibliographies, etc.) absolusjon - absolution (religious) absolutio (latin) - to confess ones sins. Hi. View at http://ao.salldata.dk/vis1.php?bsid=159553&side=167. Sort. The list of Church abbreviations in Latin. Since the Council of Trent (1545-1563), Catholic parish priests have been required to keep record of certainsacraments in bound register books. Cert is in relation to a man who is intending to . It is a Latin abbreviation for 'rum', used in words in the genitive case ending in 'orum' or 'arum'. Irish was never used in the registers. First, learn common words, such as Gatte (husband), Tauf (baptism) and names of months. Typically used when the person's dates of birth and death are unknown. What is the P.L. in the column Per Quem Copulati? The stone had a cross that was engraved with the initials: CSMA, which were in the cross and set forth thus (the A was in the middle of the cross): Can you tell me what the CSMA stands for? However, I must give a word of cautionmeanings and interpretations change over time. Record TypesBaptismal Register - matricula baptizatorum, liberCensus - censusChurch Records - parish matrica (parish registers)Death Register - certificato di morteMarriage Register - matrica (marriage register), bannorum (register of marriage banns), liberMilitary - militaris, bellicus, Family EventsBaptism / Christening - baptismi, baptizatus, renatus, plutus, lautus, purgatus, ablutus, lustratioBirth - nati, natus, genitus, natales, ortus, oriundusBurial - sepulti, sepultus, humatus, humatioDeath - mortuus, defunctus, obitus, denatus, decessus, peritus, mors, mortis, obiit, decessitDivorce - divortiumMarriage - matrimonium, copulatio, copulati, conjuncti, nupti, sponsati, ligati, maritiMarriage (banns) - banni, proclamationes, denuntiationes, RelationshipsAncestor - antecessor, patres (forefathers)Aunt - amita (paternal aunt); matertera, matris soror (maternal aunt)Brother - frater, frates gemelli (twin brothers)Brother-in-law - affinis, sororiusChild - ifans, filius (son of), filia (daughter of), puer, prolesCousin - sobrinus, generDaughter - filia, puella; filia innupta (unwed daughter); unigena (only begotten daughter)Descendant - proles, successioFather - pater (father), pater ignoratus (unknown father), novercus (stepfather)Grandchild - nepos ex fil, nepos (grandson); neptis (granddaughter)Grandfather - avus, pater patris (paternal grandfather)Grandmother - avia, socrus magna (maternal grandmother)Great-grandchild - pronepos (great grandson); proneptis (great granddaughter)Great-grandfather - proavus, abavus (2nd great grandfather), atavus (3rd great grandfather)Great-grandmother - proavia, proava, abavia (2nd great grandmother)Husband - uxor (spouse), maritus, sponsus, conjus, coniux, ligatus, virMother - materNiece/Nephew - amitini, filius fratris/sororis (nephew), filia fratris/sororis (niece)Orphan, Foundling - orbus, orbaParents - parentes, genitoresRelatives - propinqui (relatives); agnati, agnatus (paternal relatives); cognati, cognatus (maternal relatives); affines, affinitas (related by marriage, in-laws)Sister - soror, germana, glos (husband's sister)Sister-in-law - glorisSon - filius, natusSon-in-law - generUncle - avunculus (paternal uncle), patruus (maternal uncle)Wife - vxor/uxor (spouse), marita, conjux, sponsa, mulier, femina, consorsWidow - vidua, relictaWidower - viduas, relictus, DatesDay - dies, dieMonth - mensis, mensesYear - annus, anno; often abbreviated Ao, AE or aEMorning - maneNight - nocte, vespere (evening)January - JanuariusFebruary - FebruariusMarch - MartiusApril - AprilisMay - MaiusJune - Junius, IuniusJuly - Julius, Iulius, QuinctilisAugust - AugustusSeptember - September, Septembris, 7ber, VIIberOctober - October, Octobris, 8ber, VIIIberNovember - November, Novembris, 9ber, IXberDecember - December, Decembris, 10ber, Xber, Other Common Latin Genealogical TermsAnd others - et alii (et. For a list of these see Canon law. To convert dates between 1 January and 24 March to modern dating, add one year onto the year given in the parish . Though the second-to-last line lacks punctuation, I believe the very last line is standalone -- a type of signature. This term appears to mean 'in the current year.'. Moving beyond acronyms, abbreviations, and contractions, the Polish Roots website has tips for translating Latin documents, and includes the Latin words to describe various classes of nobles and peasants, along with their Polish equivalents. My mother, who was then at the height of her passion for genealogy, disagreedand so I continued studying Latin, under extreme duress. To get you started, let's take a look at a typical Catholic church marriage record from the 1880s. Coad, You will see that the priest is expected to indicate his rank. To me it looks more like JP C). legitimus (abbreviations: leg. A postgraduate academic master degree awarded by universities in many countries. The use of conventional phrases and abbreviations continues today. Most first names were in Latin. Missus ., it looks as though both words are abbreviations but it doesn't seem too important at this point. (LogOut/ sep.= sepuliebatur or sepultus(-a) erat; was buried, par.=parochie; of the parish ofq. Online tutorial acquainting viewers with medieval Latin scripts and abbreviations. Often used parenthetically after the monarch's name. in prepositions and terminations, became the source of many peculiar abbreviations; similarly, frequently recurring words like et (and), est (is). The medieval writer inherited a few from Christian antiquity; others he invented or adapted, in order to save time and parchment. There's also helpful background on Irish . Pastor" or less literally, "baptized by the pastor" (who probably penned the record in the church book). I recommend you look for other records (written by the same recorder on nearby pages to see if there is something similar that might give clarity to the old script. (honestus adolescens) Nicolaus Jochim D. (defunta) Friderici Adami Jochim praetoris hujatis et Annae Barbarae secunda ejus uxorii defuncta legitimus cum P.V. Latin was used in legal and church records in the past. My apologies for such a long delay. stream The full Latin titles of all existing (Latin) dioceses may be seen in the Roman annual, "Gerarchia Cattolica", a complete list of the Latin names of all known dioceses (extant or extinct) is found in the large folio work of the Comte de Mas Latrie, "Trsor de chronologie, d'histoire et de gographie" (Paris, 1884). If this is a child or mothers record, the p could possibly stand for partem (birth) and the d.f. I'm looking at Dutch Reformed Church records in Churchtown, NY. Reply. ;A-(?%,-!A;Mg/5s/E?N98wb#"[wpOG4/|{*0LUCK,Yd%K,Yd%K,Y;]soXk)O~qg>zW~D}'v7V>{A]V'^R/?. (Renata is also Latin . In some churches, children were baptized the . The mark at the end of this word looks a bit like a 'y', or the letter 4 on a calculator screen. in Matrimonio conjunxi Joannem Woodward (talis loco) filium Georgio Woodward et Annam Sharples (talis loco) filiam Edwardi Sharples. A list of those used in Roman Republican and early Imperial times may be seen in James Chidester Egbert, Jr.'s Latin Inscriptions (New York City, 1896), 417459. Although not the common spoken language in England, the official written language was Latin until 1733. "in a relaxed, generous (or 'ample') sense", "it is permitted to know", "one may know", "to wit", "if there is need", "if occasion require", "if necessary". 19. Denby is a community near Penistone, but what does trem. Learn how church records can reveal immigrant ancestors' origins, provide mystery parents' names, stand in for missing birth records and more. In "Xmas" the second letter has been dropped. the scribes sometimes used wordsand grammatical forms from their ownnative language, mixed in with Latin, the scribes frequently used abbreviations and contractions in the documents they wrote, and. When quoting a female author, use the corresponding feminine form. Sometimes notices are copied from newspaper to newspaper, and if a notice was republished more than 30 days from its first publication, the interpretation would be incorrect. xWMk$7qYRkOl{09a J-u{iUuSTf7L|>BHg^ f`n7__dN Home : Encyclopedia . For example Jacobum (accusative form of Jacobus) can mean Jacob or James, cross checking with census records will resolve this. Example: "That patient needs attention, "namely", "to wit", "precisely", "that is to say". Looking through Ukrainian church records from 1839. List of Common Phrases used in Parish Records. The phrase itself seems to suggest that the mother is well is this a subtle way of saying that the child was born out of wedlock? In 1752, two changes were made to the English Calendar. The programs of PAF (by the LDS), ancestors (Evertons), Family tree, Legacy 7.5 are the standard's of Genealogical data entry - their abbreviations are the . A guide for family historians using church registers before 1733 when Latin is the official language, identifying key words and phrases to help you make sense of the records. I go to my abbreviation finder website, . Often used when citing text, especially if the cited work has mistakes, to show that the mistake was in the original work and is not a misquotation. As if deciphering old records that were written, you suspect, with watered down ink and a nib that had seen better days was not hard enough, you often have the added complexity of them being written in Latin. So this type of register is much easier to understand. xpher or Xpoferus= Christopher The first two letters are not really X and p but the greek letter X (Ch) and p (r) Xp was a customary abbreviation for Christ. I have come across a 16th c. English baptismal record for one of my ancestors and instead of giving the name followed by do [name] as most of the other entries, it says Mater ad bona and then there appear to be two short words following, that I cannot make out. . CCD = Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, religious education for children not enrolled in Catholic . If a genealogist is lucky enough to be able to trace his/her ancestors back far enough in time, he/she is likely to encounter documents written in the Latin language the language of the Roman Catholic Church. By breaking this into smaller pieces, it is possible to understand what it is saying (with the help of Google Translate and my schoolboy Latin): 1846 die decimo octavo menses MaiiThe eighteenth day of May 1846, null legitimo impedimento detectono lawful impediment was detected, ego Carolus Middlehurst Apcus. <> Church Abbreviations in Latin 2. In the 1860 census for Randolph County, Alabama, my ancestor Joseph Currie is listed as Framer, JTC (according to Ancestry.com. Its a good idea to look through the whole register if it is a printed register then it might contain an example of the format that the priest was supposed to use, which can be a help when deciphering badly written words. Religion, Baptist, Training. Contractions in early Latin miniscule mss. But, many other documents, court records in particular, include an abundance of abbreviations that may be a mystery to the casual reader of Latin documents, especially when one's Latin vocabulary is limited. 7 0 obj Throughout history, terms come and terms goand thankfully for most people, archaic expressions disappear. In a few cases, English referents have replaced the original Latin ones (e.g., "rest in peace" for RIP and "postscript" for PS). Means in the same article, book or other reference work as was mentioned before. The Jewish scribes and Talmudic scholars also had frequent recourse to abbreviations. This abbreviation was used in English as well as Latin. I believe formal printed registers were first sanctioned by the Bishops Conference in 1855, and I have seen almost identical versions produced by a printer in Derby and by one in Liverpool. Thanks for any help. Two similar historical Latin terms often found in old obituaries are consort and relict; as noted in the following examples, they tell a researcher specifically if a woman was a widow prior to her death, or if her husband became a widower after she died. The closest Latin words would be faithful (fidem) and mother (mater), but its more likely a cause of death. Praesentibus ) Joanne Edwards (talis loco) Here may also be classed the abbreviated forms for the name of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost; also for the names of the Blessed Virgin, the saints, etc. Certificate in Genealogical Research, Boston University. This class includes also the abbreviations for the names of most sees. Powell, Kimberly. Even when Latin fell out of use, many Latin abbreviations continued to be used due to their precise simplicity and Latin's status as a learned language. Latin abbreviations commonly seen in documents of the Catholic Church, the full Latin words or phrases, and their English meaning . There are several factors that make these records difficult to read, including the facts that: In my own research, the contractions, abbreviations, titles, and postnomials have often confounded my ability to transcribe and translate the documents I encounter. the scribes who recorded the documents were not always fluent in Latin,and they sometimes misspelled wordsand made grammatical errors. In later years, I discovered that I shared my moms passion for genealogyand when I started seeing old documents with Latin phrases such Caesars Veni, Vidi, Vici (We came, We saw, We conquered), my early education studying the Latin language started paying off. locus et dies supulturae . If you look carefully again at the f.p. I suspect youll see that the f hasnt got its little cross-stroke. young man legitimatus per subsequius matrimonius . Click on the type of record below to learn more and see sample images with transcriptions and translations. B. Vicarium Apostolicum hujus Districtus dispensatione ab impedimento primi (vel secundi &c.) gradus consanguinitatis (aut affinitatis seu alio quovis impedimento) which translates asobtained by the Most Reverend Lord A. Slightly odd wording but it is clear what is being said. for sine prole which indicates that someone died without issue. 9 0 obj CCC = Catechism of the Catholic Church. Suggest. OB is an indication of the Latin word obiit (death) and if it is followed by a date, that would be the date of death of a loved one. Apos. anon. 14 0 obj [closed] +3 votes. Have a question? endobj This page has been viewed 61,888 times (0 via redirect). Therefore, Latin will be found used in the earlier records of most European countries, as well as in Roman Catholic records around the world. Its not quite as bad as you might imagine because in many cases the priest was just using a standard formula and filling in the blanks. This book is out of copyright and available for download for free as a PDF file from the Internet Archive. Thank you for this question. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. praesentibus notis testibus Henrico Baron et Catherine Baron qui uterque habitat Wiganthe presence of witnessesHenry Baronand Catherine Baron, who both live in Wigan. Print: PN147.S26 2014 RR4 Religion/ANE. The last piece of the puzzle is the names. Latin for local history : an introduction, A Latin glossary for family and local historians, Understanding Documents for Genealogy and Local History, Paleography: Interpreting Handwriting in Genealogical Research, Some Notes on Medieval English Palaeography. They multiplied with time, and were never so numerous as on the eve of the discovery of printing; many of the early printed books offer this peculiarity, together with other characteristics of the manuscript page. I suspect that this entry is from a manuscript book register with the entries written out in free text. Abbreviations: Ano Dom. . (Dates in Latin--see next section.) <> Dates may be given in Roman numerals. degree of consanguinity (or affinity or any other impediment), A further example was added to say that when a dispensation was granted by virtue of their missionary faculties the priest was to insert data per me dispensatione ab impedimento given by me a dispensation from the impediment of, In the Blog on 13 Aug, you discussed a marriage register entry from 1846, being unsure of the meaning of the Latin A me Misso Apco.

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