ESSENTIAL HUMAN SERVICES OPERATIONS Individuals may leave their residence to work for or obtain any Human Services Operations, such as adoption agencies, long-term care facilities, residential settings for individuals with disabilities and day care centers for children of essential employees. Specific health and safety factors will be taken into account when determining the process for transfers to IDOC. HB 395 changes the Ivory Ban Act into the Animal Parts and Products Ban Act. Under the latter bill, feminine hygiene products will now be available for free at homeless shelters that provide housing assistance to women and youth. SB 01682: Requires pharmacies to post a notice informing consumers that they may request current pharmacy retail prices at the point of sale. 71.40 no longer necessary. The order aligns with the latest CDC guidance and rescinds emergency rules requiring face masks for fully vaccinated individuals. Requires face coverings for all Illinois residents over age 2 in indoor settings beginning Monday, August 30, 2021. If an employee has a disability that affects the employees risk of contracting COVID-19 or increases the harm if the employee does contract the virus, they should request a reasonable accommodation from their employer. HB 03097: Provides that police procedures and appropriate interactions with law enforcement during traffic stops be added to Illinois adult driver education course curriculum and the State Board of Educations curriculum. The order expands the use of available emergency relief dollars for Illinois utility customers currently at risk of service disconnections following the end of the winter moratorium, and maximizes the number of households eligible for relief. Reissues and amends previous Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic through July 24, 2022. These laws also protect employees from retaliation when they engage in conduct to oppose discrimination or harassment, or when they raise safety and health concerns with their employer or coworkers. The amendments also clarified other controversial elements of the bill, including that police can still arrest someone for trespassing, and that judges can issue arrest warrants when someone misses court. This Executive Order is effective October 25 and supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. Requires face coverings for all Illinois residents over age 2 in indoor settings beginning Monday, August 30, 2021. HB 572 amends the Sales Finance Agency Act to invalidate any financing, retail installment contract or loan for the purchase of a cat or a dog. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through June 26, 2021. HB 605 amends the Flag Display Act to ban state institutions and agencies from buying any Illinois state flags or United States flags made in other countries. If an employee believes they have been fired, demoted, or harassed because their employer believes that they are from a country where there is a high incidence of COVID-19 cases, they may file a charge with the IDHR. Find a COVID-19 Vaccine. SB 00512: The Preventing Youth Vaping Act aims to prevent vaping by children, placing additional restrictions on e-cigarettes, including imposing additional civil and criminal penalties. Reissues previous Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic through October 15, 2022. MEDICAL SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS Suspends medical science institutions from holding indigent cadavers for 30 days after receipt from the State facility, for cadavers testing positive for COVID-19. The department must also increase counseling opportunities and dedicate staff to helping people who owe money for child support. Employers are required to follow the Governors Executive Orders. You shouldn't be on the hook for tickets when your car gets stolen. Employers should never require employees or other workers at the workplace to report to work while experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through September 19, 2020. In order to promote their use, employers should make face coverings and other protective equipment available at no charge to employees. Employees who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 can be asked to leave the workplace and stay at home until it has been 10 days since their symptoms first appeared and 24 hours with no fever (without the use of fever-reducing medications) and other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving.3An employee with a medical condition that causes symptoms similar to COVID-19 may provide their employer with medical documentation that their symptoms are due to a different condition in order to continue reporting to work. For example, employers should consider staggering shifts or designating groups of employees to consistently work on the same days and times as each other. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending the provisions through March 5, 2022. Executive Order 2020-43 , the Community Revitalization Order, remains in effect. The EEOC has issued guidance stating that due to the acknowledgment of COVID-19 community spread by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local public health authorities, employers may take employees temperatures. M.C.C.1-24. Expanding on the anti-discrimination law that went into effect in 2021 and applies to schools, this law changes the Illinois Human Rights Act to include traits associated with race, such as hair texture and protective hairstyles like braids, locks and twists to combat hair discrimination in the workplace. IDPH will continue to conduct on-site reviews to the extent feasible. Employers should not assume that an older employee, or an employee with an underlying health condition, is in need of special protection or accommodation. Individuals may leave their homes only for essential activities or for essential operations. SB 01596: Committing a crime against a person because of their actual or perceived citizenship or immigration status will now be considered a hate crime in the state of Illinois. All rights reserved, CTA Continues Efforts to Adapt Electric Buses to Winter's Challenges, 7 Cubs Pitchers Combine for No-Hitter Vs. Padres, The Lifting Up Illinois Working Families Act, New Ranking Names Most Expensive Cities In Illinois and These Chicago Suburbs Top the List, Stomach Bug Cases Surging, Sending People to Emergency Rooms in Chicago Area, Chicago Suburb Lands on List of Happiest Places to Live,' Another Midwest City Makes Top 10, Chicago-Area Counties Under Winter Storm Advisories and Warnings. VACCINE REQUIREMENT EXTENSION Extends the vaccination requirements for individuals in high-risk settings, including all healthcare workers, nursing home employees, all P-12 teachers and staff, and higher education personnel and students. REGIONS 9 MITIGATIONS Region 9, Lake and McHenry counties, has reported three consecutive days of a test positivity rate of 8 percent or higher. . HB 00033: Prohibits companies from denying life insurance coverage based on a person participating in substance use treatment or recovery support programs. Here are 50 of the more notable pieces of legislation that will take effect in the new year. Reissues previous Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic through January 6, 2023. Illinois' COVID-19 Response. More information about coronavirus waivers and flexibilities is available on . Employees in all of these situations may be entitled to paid time off under their employers existing leave program as well as under the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), public law 116-127, or a local paid sick leave ordinance. . An employee who is not experiencing symptoms but was tested due to close contact with someone with symptoms or a COVID-19 diagnosis should follow the guidance of public health authorities and any potential work restrictions, until they receive their test results. HB 03914: Requires Illinois Central Management Services to take positive action toward addressing systemic racism in the states hiring practices. Individuals who refuse an offer of suitable work are disqualified from receiving unemployment insurance unless there is good cause for the refusal. Court Operations: The Winnebago County and Boone County Courts are hearing all matters pursuant to the provisions set forth in Administrative Order 2022-12 and General Order 1.03. . It will soon be a new year, and that means that new laws are set to go into effect, with nearly 300 new measures beginning on Jan. 1. Yes. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. According to both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, the laws include everything from excused mental. Calls for the postponement or cancelation of elective surgeries. The raise in minimum wage is part of legislation Illinois. This law ensures people whose cars have been stolen will not be liable for violations, fees, fines or penalties when their vehicles are caught on red light or speed cameras. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are implemented for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective November 4, 2020. This Executive Order supersedes EO 2021-24 and EO 2021-25. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are instituted for Region 1, comprised of Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, Jo Daviess, Lee, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside and Winnebago counties, for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective October 3, 2020. The greatest controversy in the SAFE-T Act is the key provision for ending cash bail, which advocates said causes poor people to sit in jail because they can't make bail, even on minor charges, while affluent people can pay for their pre-trial release, even for more serious crimes. Have new flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, or shortness of breath (excluding such symptoms caused by chronic conditions); . Suspends the requirement that a marriage license becomes effective one day after the date of issuance. In order to qualify, an area must show that the area is at risk of losing its cultural identity due to COVID-19, displacement or gentrification, that it has had a history of economic disinvestment and that there is strong community support for the designation, which is aimed at promoting economic development, entrepreneurship and growth without also generating displacement or expanding inequality. CANNABIS IDENTIFICATION CARDS Suspends the requirement that a medical or adult use cannabis cultivation center agent must have a completed background check when applying for an agent identification card. Related: Illinois First State To Mandate Asian American History In Schools. RADIOLOGY CERTIFICATIONS Suspends the provision in the Radiation Protection Act of 1990 that limits the validity of industrial radiography certifications to five years and industrial radiography trainee certifications to two years. However, employees may be entitled to use vacation or other paid time off in accordance with their employers established leave program. Restaurants may serve other beverages upon request. Amends Executive Order 2022-06 and establishes that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, shall continue to be required to wear a face covering (1) where federally required; (2) in congregate facilities such as correctional facilities and homeless shelters; and (3) in healthcare settings. Also suspends the requirement that the Department must approve or deny an application for a medical or adult use cannabis cultivation center agent identification card within a certain amount of days. Employees are an integral part of an effective workplace safety plan as they are often in the best position to identify hazards in a particular area or job. If you are a worker who received a Form 1099 and are not certain if you are eligible for PUA, you should file a claim for regular unemployment benefits for two reasons. NOTARY AND WITNESS GUIDELINES - any act of notarization or witnessing required by Illinois law may be completed remotely by via two-way audio-video communication technology provided that the acts follows specific guidelines set forth in the Order and by the Secretary of State. Dozens of other states have similar laws on the books. Continue to evaluate which employees are able to work from home and are encouraged to facilitate remote work when possible; Ensure that employees practice social distancing and wear face coverings when social distancing is not always possible. The two-week extension allows for hospitals and schools to implement their own testing, vaccine and accountability protocols. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through July 26, 2020. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through August 22, 2020. If your concern is about a state or local government employer, you may file a complaint with Illinois OSHA at The amendment passed with more than 50% support from the overall vote in the midterm. No. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations will be implemented for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective October 30, 2020. SUSPENDS PROVISIONS IN THE ILLINOIS SCHOOL CODE Suspends requirements on the administration of assessments, school terms, and the calculation of daily pupil attendance. Courts are not required grant such requests from state's attorneys. from $118 to $36. SCHOOL SAFETY Schools must take specific measures to ensure the safety of students and schools, including investigating the occurrence of cases, close contacts, and symptomatic individuals. The cash bail provision became a hallmark campaign issue in the race of Illinois governor and state attorney general. An individual temporarily laid off in this situation can qualify for benefits if the individual is available for and actively seeking work. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS Reissues Executive Orders 2020-03 through 2020-31, extending most provisions through May 29, 2020. Failure to comply with the new law is punishable by a civil penalty of $10,000. . Requires schools to exclude students and school personnel who are confirmed cases, probable cases, or close contacts. SB 1879 amends the Fish and Aquatic Life Code to ban fishing for carp, catfish, buffalo, suckers, gar, bowfin, shad and drum with a pitchfork, spear gun, bow and arrow, slingshot bow, spear or gig on or across from any public right of way or highway in the state. MASK REQUIREMENT UPDATES: Requires masks for all residents, staff and visitors at long-term care facilities, congregate facilities, and in healthcare settings, regardless of vaccination status as well as on public transportation. The . More than 180 new laws are set to take effect on January 1, 2023, covering a range of issues big and small that affect Illinoisans. Law enforcement officers can also seize tobacco products or electronic cigarettes that violate the bills prohibition on marketing to children. State law prohibits an employer from requiring an employee to pay for the cost of medical examinations or records that the employer requires as a condition (or precondition) of employment. The law gives judges discretion to keep suspects they deem dangerous locked up without bail, and amendments signed by Gov. In response, additional public health restrictions and mitigations are instituted for Region 1, such as a tighter gathering cap of 10 individuals rather than 25 and new table caps of six rather than 10 at restaurants and bars. Employers should wait 24 hours before cleaning or disinfecting where feasible, and proceed to disinfect the area using proper precautions, such wearing gloves and masks. An employee experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should seek a test, notify their employer, and stay home while awaiting tests results. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through October 17, 2020. Alongside SAFE-T Act and Workers Rights Amendment, new Illinois laws address latex allergies, carjackings, miscarriages and more. PUA payments are available for claimants who lost work due to specific COVID-19 related reasons provided for in the federal law beginning the week of February 2, 2020. . Yes. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through March 6, 2021. The new guidance supplements earlier guidance regarding the treatment of workers with caregiving responsibilities. SB 58: Lowers the registration fee for trailers weighing less than 3,000 lbs. This law allows women who have a miscarriage, still birth, or other diagnosis or event that impacts pregnancy or fertility to take 10 days of unpaid leave. CANNABIS APPLICATIONS The deadline for cannabis grower, infuser and transporter license applications is extended, and applicants are now allowed to mail completed applications, rather than submitting in person. On January 7, 2022, the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) filed peremptory rules adopting the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). K-12 SCHOOLS All public and private K-12 schools must close for educational purposes; however, this will not affect the availability of school buildings to supply food for students in need. Under the IHRA and federal law, employees who are pregnant or recovering from childbirth, or who have a medical condition related to pregnancy, have the right to request a reasonable accommodation. Health care facilities, professionals, and volunteers are immune from civil liability for any injury or death alleged, unless caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct. During the COVID- 19 pandemic, employers may ask employees who work on-site if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, chills, cough, and shortness of breath. Employees who have a medical condition or disability that prevents them from safely wearing a face covering may seek a reasonable accommodation from these requirements. Suspends requiring the director of any State facility in custody of an unclaimed cadaver to donate the cadaver to a qualified medical science institution for the advancement of medical science, for cadavers testing positive for COVID-19. It establishes some limitations on lawmakers' ability to lobby their former co-workers immediately after leaving office, adds some restrictions to compensated lobbying by state and local officials, and expands lobbyist registration requirements. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are instituted for the Metro East region, comprised of Bond, Clinton, Madison, Monroe, Randolph, St. Clair, and Washington Counties for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, and gaming and casinos. The ISP will create a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to conduct enforcement operations against those with revoked FOID cards. PROFESSIONAL REGULATION LAW Suspends the Secretary of the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation from taking certain actions to increase the number of licensed professionals responding to the disaster, to the extent that it limits the Secretarys authority to those working under the direction of IEMA and IDPH. It will soon be a new year, and that means that new laws are set to go into effect, with nearly 300. Tier 3 Mitigations aim to limit gatherings and encourage people to stay home to the greatest extent possible, while allowing most industries to continue operating at significantly reduced levels. SB 00139: Allows a person currently married to request a copy of their marriage license with the term spouse rather than any gender-identifying language. Outlines requirements for various businesses and industries. An employers failure to contribute to the unemployment system will not impact an individual claimants eligibility for benefits. Exemptions to all Tiers and Phases include free exercise of religion, emergency functions, and governmental functions. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through May 29, 2021. The offices will not conduct in-person transactions from Jan. 3 through Jan. 17, 2022, though online services will remain open on the Illinois Secretary of State website, officials said. Illinois is a strong union state and just got stronger after voters approved the Workers Rights Amendment in the 2022 midterm election. TELEHEALTH All health insurers regulated by the Department of Insurance are required to cover telehealth services and reimburse providers at the same rate as in-person visits and are prohibited from imposing any cost-sharing for in-network providers. If two or more employees report having COVID-19 related symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, the employer must notify their local health department within 24 hours of being informed of the presence of COVID-19 symptoms or positive test results. READ MORE: Jelani Day's family looking for answers after missing ISU student found dead. It also requires counties with populations above 250,000 to offer the option of a remote hearing. SB 1833 amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law to require the department to come up with criteria and guidelines for the creation of state-designated cultural districts. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. Per guidance from the U.S. Employees who believe they have been retaliated against may want to consider consulting with an attorney. HB 00135: Requires health insurance policies to cover health care or patient care around the dispensation of birth control. HOSPITAL CAPACITY IDPH shall exercise discretion enforcing certain regulations. SB 02122: Provides that statements provided by minors are inadmissible as evidence if obtained using deceptive practices. The Illinois Whistleblower Protection Act, 740 ILCS 174, prohibits retaliation against an employee for disclosing information they believe violates a state or federal law, rule, or regulation. REGIONS 2, 3, AND 5 RESUME TIER 2 MITIGATIONS Region 2 (Northern Illinois), Region 3 (North-Central Illinois), and Region 5 (Southern Illinois) have met the metrics for a reduction of mitigations. In the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, suspends the time period for designated students, applicants, and employees to have their fingerprints collected electronically. Filing paperwork to take your abuser to court should not be dangerous. Here's a look at some of the most interesting laws set to go into effect. To report a possible COVID-19 outbreak, or if you have a concern that your workplace is not following public health rules regarding face coverings and/or capacity limits, please contact your local health department. MASK REQUIREMENT FOR SCHOOLS AND LONG-TERM CARE FACILTIES Requires masks for students, teachers, and staff at pre-kindergarten-12th grade schools and day cares, consistent with the CDC guidance. New law signed by Pritzker will allow employers to mandate COVID vaccinations in IL By Peter Hancock Published November 10, 2021 at 11:25 AM CST Gov. For example, suspends IDPH conducting an on-site review at each facility annually. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through April 30, 2022. In order to prevent osteoporosis and other medical conditions, this law requires health insurance plans to cover medically necessary hormone therapy treatments for women who have undergone a hysterectomy and therefore induced menopause. 99) January 13, 2022 WHEREAS, since early March 2020, Illinois has faced a pandemic that has caused extraordinary sickness and loss of life, infecting over 2,520,000, and taking the lives of more than 28,800 residents; and, REGION 2 MITIGATIONS Region 2North-Central Illinoishas reported three consecutive days of a test positivity rate of 8 percent or higher.

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